The Power of A Thought!

Ideas rule the world says the golden nugget. Ideas are concept, ideas are seeds, ideas are thoughts. Ideas are small keys that unlock the golden doors. Ideas are the engines that run the economy.
The greatest experience you will ever have is one thought away. When you think, you can evolve, you can change, you can harness the potentials. When GOD created you, He wants you to recreate your environment by giving you the power of thoughts. He did not create a finished products, He created raw materials because He wants you to harness the potentials of your thoughts. What are you thinking?

 Ideas triggers creativity. A genius is someone who gives himself the permission to dream big with just one thought. Such people activate the power of thinking. They feed their minds with thoughts that trigger ideas with what they choose to see, speak and listen to. They have the courage to think.
If you think little, you go little. If you think great, they go greater. With the power of your thought, you can change the world. People thought to build monuments, some thought to go to the moon, some thought to build ship and so on. 

Your thoughts generate streams of income for you, your thoughts are the uncommon miracle that will outlive you. Your thoughts take you to the next level. You are creative because you are created in the likeness of a Creator. What thought are you feeding your mind?

Written by Loretta Okoh


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