T he Seven Wonders of Ancient World were known for their amazing works of arts and architectures to show the creativity, innovation, ingenuity and imagination of what human beings are capable of constructing. Seven was chosen by the Greek who believed it to mean perfection and completion. Among the Seven Wonders of Ancient World mostly destroyed by earthquakes, t he Great Pyramid at Giza remains lately intact till date. In no particular order, the Seven Wonders of Ancient World are: 1. The Colossus of Rhodes built in 280BC was a statue of the Greek titan god of the sun Helios stood over 98 feet (30M high). The bronze statue was erected by the sculptor Chares of Lindos on the Greek island of Rhodes between 292 and 280 BC. The statue stood for 54 years and was destroyed in 226 BC by earthquake. The Colossus was also erected as a celebration of freedom. 2. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was construct...