Possessing the Greatness of 2014

Since you were precious in My sight, You have been honoured, And I have loved you: Therefore I will give men for you; and people for your life. Fear not: for I am with you; for I will bring your descendant from the east, and gather you from the west; Isaiah 43:4-5

The year 2013 is rolling away, being filled with its intricacies and its relevance. Looking back into the year, there are many things to be thankful for, many songs of adoration, many victories conquered, battles defeated and many prayers answered. You are thankful for health sustained, life to see each day, career started, dreams fulfilled, desires granted and celebration. You are grateful for so many things.

Maybe you have taken a giant stride in pursuing worthy ambition, in achieving landmark progress or you are scared because of unfulfilled dreams so you are afraid to go further because you don't know or understand what the future holds.

Exodus 14:15b ...speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward.
It is time to take up all your belongings, all you have acquired, all you have achieved, all your dreams, all your relevance and breakthrough, all your cherished possessions and move to the next level, the year 2014.

You are so precious and valuable in the sight of God, He has made you honourable and He loves you. He knows the value of your importance, He wants to showcase you for His wonders. He has crafted you for His good works and made you for beauty.  God that has promised and He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly, above all you ask or think.

You need to enter your year 2014, a year of covenant fulfilled, year of your greatness and landmark achievement. The Lord says He will give men for you. How relevant He has found you. Men and women that will promote and help you in achieving your dreams will connect with you. Your works shall be accepted, customers far and wide shall patronise you, you will fulfil your career, your dream job shall come without struggle, your labour shall be productive, your ministry shall receive fresh anointing, your helper shall locate you because the Lord has promised and He will fulfil His Word.

The Lord will make you call one and seven shall answer. Your enemies shall bow at your feet because in 2014 God shall prepare a bountiful, sumptuous table before you in the presence of your enemies. The Lord shall harden the heart of your Pharoah and his cohort that pursue you so that they can perish.

The Lord has said, do not fear. You must stop looking back, stop looking at your limitations and all the noise of mediocrity that has hindered your progress and step into the water. The rod has been stretched to allow you cross the Red sea which has hindered your greatness. The moment you do, doors will begin to open and resources will be released, where there seems to be shortage, God will provide the seed, the means, the method and the power.

The seed of your greatness will bring you to every point of your breakthrough. The gathering of your breakthrough shall be manifested. The Lord has formed you to be favoured on every side. Keep praying, keep believing, take possession of the beautiful city of your 2014. You are blessed.


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